This is commonly known as an “indexed-repeat error.” It occurs when a field that is inside a repeat group is directly referenced from outside that repeat group.
Chris is the founder of SurveyCTO. He now serves as Director and Founder Emeritus, supporting Dobility in a variety of part-time capacities. Over the course of Dobility’s first 10 years, he held several positions, including CEO, CTO, and Head of Product.
Before founding Dobility, he was involved in a long-term project to evaluate the impacts of microfinance in South India; developed online curriculum for a program to promote the use of evidence in policy-making in Pakistan and India; and taught statistics and policy analysis at the Harvard Kennedy School. Before that, he co-founded and helped grow an internet technology consultancy and led technology efforts for the top provider of software and hardware for multi-user bulletin board systems (the online systems most prominent before the Internet).
This is commonly known as an “indexed-repeat error.” It occurs when a field that is inside a repeat group is directly referenced from outside that repeat group.
This error means that somewhere in your form definition you have referred to a field that does not actually exist as a field in your form.
You have received this error because the total number of begin group/begin repeat rows in your form does not match the total number of end group/end repeat rows.
You have a calculate, relevance, or constraint expression that has a syntax error that makes the expression incorrect.
This error appears when your Collect Android app tries to communicate with your server but can’t establish a secure (SSL/HTTPS) connection.
This error message means that the Collect app has encountered an issue that prevents it from functioning.
You have received an error in your ODK form that says only questions are allowed in the field-list.
A dependency cycle error typically indicates that through a series of relevance interdependencies, a field in your form is now relevant upon its own value, which is logically impossible.
This error means that whichever ODK-based Collect Android app you are using can’t connect to your ODK or ODK-based platform’s server.
We should hope for a post-ICT4D world that promotes an ecosystem of technology providers instead of hindering them.
Have you ever needed to know exactly what is happening during data collection occuring thousands of miles away? Do you find yourself backtracking and spending hours tirelessly correcting poor or fake data after collection phase of a study has wrapped up? SurveyCTO provides solutions to these scenarios – and much more! – in a variety of ways you may not even be aware of.
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