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SurveyCTO Webinar Series: Boosting Agriculture Productivity and Revenue Through Farmer Support


In this webinar, we feature two researchers from our 2022 research grant awardee cohort: Matilde Grácio (Economics PhD from Nova School of Business and Economics in Portugal), and Guanghong Xu, Economics PhD candidate at the University of California, Santa Cruz, United States. Matilde and Guanghong present their respective research projects that were designed to improve outcomes for farmers.

Matilde’s project is called “Evaluating the impact of a support hotline for cashew producers in Guinea-Bissau.” It focuses on understanding the role of access to information in determining cashew producer’s choices on when to sell their harvest in Guinea-Bissau. Matilde’s project provided personalized information through a hotline service to farmers, and explored different focal points within communities to maximize the spread of information during the commercialization periods of the cashew nut.

Guanghong’s project is called “Farm to Fridge: Digital Traceability and Quality Upgrading in Kenyan Dairy Value Chain.” This project explores a sustainable way for quality incentives transmission along the value chain. Guanghong worked to establish a traceability system to reduce asymmetric information on quality and add accountability in the Kenyan dairy industry. He conducted a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) to study the effects of providing quality-type information via a traceability system on buyers’ contracting practices with different types of producers, producers’ investment in quality upgrading, their milk quality, production, and sales.

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    Lindo Simelane

    Digital Analytics Associate

    Lindo is a part of the marketing team at Dobility, the company that powers SurveyCTO. He is responsible for all aspects of data management and analytics for SurveyCTO’s website, social media, and other marketing efforts.

    Lindo has a passion for research to inform policy in international development and economics. He has extensive experience in the ICT4D space that includes research work, and a background in international business and finance.